Methode 'Praktische Logica':


Methode van

Causale analyse

Principes van Causale analyse voor een 'N=1' steekproef:

Deductieve validiteit.

Voorspellende kracht van correlatiewaarden (uit steekproefonderzoek) voor een specifiek geval.

Zie verder ..

Statistische voorspelling

voor 'N=1' : bij variabele steekproefgroottes en variabele foutkansen .



Voorbeelden van analyse-uitkomsten:

Predictive power of sample correlation for deduction to {N=1} samples.
Sample size: N= Max. induction error: Alpha= Max. sign estimation error: Min. confidence level (%): Cor[r]
Min. Sample corr.
Min. Sample corr. t-value
Min. Sample corr. cumulat. prob.
Max. Popul. correlation (gradient)
Correlation difference
Max. Variance accounted for, total (ppt.)
Max. Inference improvement, average (ratio)
Max. Mutual information, average (bits)
Max. Accuracy of sign estimation, average (pct.)
Min. Confidence of indiv. sign prediction (z)
Max. Confidence of indiv. sign prediction (pct.)
10 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999900000 199.984999688 1.000000000 0.999653213 0.000246787 0.999306547 37.974448607 5.246957112 99.161681872 1.618149644 96.601119818
100 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999500000 312.932111051 1.000000000 0.999301734 0.000198266 0.998603955 26.763951944 4.742219254 98.810399914 1.618718788 95.177230362
1000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999500000 998.624835657 1.000000000 0.999445099 0.000054901 0.998890506 30.021858820 4.907941400 98.939543424 1.618486591 95.700665227
10000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999275000 2624.438000828 1.000000000 0.999250753 0.000024247 0.998502067 25.837700611 4.691405780 98.767733196 1.618801373 95.004307350
100000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999275000 8299.948704458 1.000000000 0.999267419 0.000007581 0.998535376 26.129847475 4.707626798 98.781517426 1.618774374 95.060172555
1000000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999275000 26246.978592995 1.000000000 0.999272611 0.000002389 0.998545752 26.222901315 4.712755410 98.785843400 1.618765963 95.077705133
10000000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999275000 83000.308751872 1.000000000 0.999274246 0.000000754 0.998549018 26.252395970 4.714377194 98.787208170 1.618763316 95.083236368
100000000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999250000 258053.627591919 1.000000000 0.999249753 0.000000247 0.998500069 25.820486387 4.690444272 98.766911247 1.618802993 95.000976144
1000000000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999250000 816037.229003670 1.000000000 0.999249922 0.000000078 0.998500407 25.823389047 4.690606446 98.767049920 1.618802720 95.001538163
6700000000 0.050 0.050 95.000 0.999250000 2112259.996708589 1.000000000 0.999249970 0.000000030 0.998500502 25.824212897 4.690652472 98.767089274 1.618802642 95.001697655

Predictive power of sample correlation for deduction to {N=1} samples.
Sample size: N= Max. induction error: Alpha= Max. sign estimation error: Min. confidence level (%): Cor[r]
Min. Sample corr.
Min. Sample corr. t-value
Min. Sample corr. cumulat. prob.
Max. Popul. correlation (gradient)
Correlation difference
Max. Variance accounted for, total (ppt.)
Max. Inference improvement, average (ratio)
Max. Mutual information, average (bits)
Max. Accuracy of sign estimation, average (pct.)
Min. Confidence of indiv. sign prediction (z)
Max. Confidence of indiv. sign prediction (pct.)
10 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999997500 1264.908692354 1.000000000 0.999985485 0.000012015 0.999970971 185.601288591 7.536062917 99.828497189 1.900279214 99.183099984
100 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 2213.577760131 1.000000000 0.999983960 0.000006040 0.999967920 176.557288729 7.463992570 99.819712009 1.900282112 99.141255229
1000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 7063.940224938 1.000000000 0.999988412 0.000001588 0.999976824 207.722365189 7.698512747 99.846761269 1.900273652 99.270094071
10000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 22358.275906585 1.000000000 0.999989524 0.000000476 0.999979047 218.463845961 7.771250735 99.854295801 1.900271540 99.305982097
100000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 70709.440682626 1.000000000 0.999989852 0.000000148 0.999979704 221.968097078 7.794208526 99.856596075 1.900270916 99.316938639
1000000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 223604.897090825 1.000000000 0.999989953 0.000000047 0.999979907 223.087679704 7.801467031 99.857315764 1.900270723 99.320366621
10000000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 707101.407166244 1.000000000 0.999989985 0.000000015 0.999979971 223.442889925 7.803762328 99.857542592 1.900270662 99.321447039
100000000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 2236051.184600058 1.000000000 0.999989995 0.000000005 0.999979991 223.555334709 7.804488163 99.857614247 1.900270643 99.321788339
1000000000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 7071014.771692939 1.000000000 0.999989999 0.000000001 0.999979997 223.590904641 7.804717692 99.857636898 1.900270637 99.321896232
6700000000 0.010 0.010 99.000 0.999990000 18302867.942211670 1.000000000 0.999989999 0.000000001 0.999979999 223.601000614 7.804782834 99.857643326 1.900270635 99.321926849

Predictive power of sample correlation for deduction to {N=1} samples.
Sample size: N= Max. induction error: Alpha= Max. sign estimation error: Min. confidence level (%): Cor[r]
Min. Sample corr.
Min. Sample corr. t-value
Min. Sample corr. cumulat. prob.
Max. Popul. correlation (gradient)
Correlation difference
Max. Variance accounted for, total (ppt.)
Max. Inference improvement, average (ratio)
Max. Mutual information, average (bits)
Max. Accuracy of sign estimation, average (pct.)
Min. Confidence of indiv. sign prediction (z)
Max. Confidence of indiv. sign prediction (pct.)
10 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999990 19999.999805264 1.000000000 0.999999897 0.000000093 0.999999793 2198.782823370 11.102489399 99.985523359 1.923132314 99.930214236
100 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 22135.941966366 1.000000000 0.999999813 0.000000087 0.999999625 1633.825236072 10.674037957 99.980517506 1.923132475 99.906083140
1000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 70639.926768982 1.000000000 0.999999878 0.000000022 0.999999757 2027.576366144 10.985540537 99.984300966 1.923132349 99.924321599
10000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 223584.419237600 1.000000000 0.999999894 0.000000006 0.999999787 2168.008763132 11.082154873 99.985317869 1.923132320 99.929223654
100000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 707099.657222865 1.000000000 0.999999898 0.000000002 0.999999796 2214.320859103 11.112648571 99.985624942 1.923132311 99.930703928
1000000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 2236065.574269562 1.000000000 0.999999899 0.000000001 0.999999799 2229.168073575 11.122289681 99.985720687 1.923132309 99.931165469
10000000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 7071066.576148271 1.000000000 0.999999900 0.000000000 0.999999800 2233.883772087 11.125338410 99.985750830 1.923132308 99.931310778
100000000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 22360677.879778120 1.000000000 0.999999900 0.000000000 0.999999800 2235.377078998 11.126302500 99.985760349 1.923132308 99.931356665
1000000000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 70710672.761839660 1.000000000 0.999999900 0.000000000 0.999999800 2235.849511107 11.126607372 99.985763358 1.923132307 99.931371169
6700000000 0.001 0.001 99.900 0.999999900 183030038.467171300 1.000000000 0.999999900 0.000000000 0.999999800 2235.983608975 11.126693897 99.985764212 1.923132307 99.931375285