Psychologische Taalanalyse.

Onderwerpen, deelgebieden:

(1) Psychologie, Semantiek, Taalwetenschappen, Taalanalyse


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(2) Psychologie, Psychodiagnostiek, Psychologische Taalanalyse, Therapie-effectmeting

(3) Sociale Psychologie, Communicatie, Cognitie en Semantiek

(4) Interpersoonlijke beïnvloeding via communicatie en taal

(O.m. educatie/didactiek, psychotherapie, leidinggeven, enz.).


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Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J.H., Jackson, D.D.

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Watzlawick, P., Weakland, J., & Fish, R.

(1974/ 1975): Change. New York: Norton. 1975: Het kan anders. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus.

(5) Sociologie, politiek, (massa-)communicatie en taal:


Berelson, Bernard

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Bramson, Leon

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Breit, William

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Brown, Roger

(1970): Approaches to the historical development of mass media studies. In: Jeremy Tunstall (Ed.), Media sociology' (pp.41-57). Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Carey, James

(1989): Commentary: Communications and the progressives. In: ' Critical Studies in Mass Communications', 6 (3), 264-282.

Converse, Jean

(1987): Survey research in the United States. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Crick, Bernard

(1964): American science of politics: Its origins and conditions (3rd printing). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Czitrom, Daniel

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Daugherty, William, & Janowitz, Morris (Eds.)

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Delia, Jesse

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Dennis, Everette

(1988): Whence we came: Discovering the history of mass communication research. In: Nancy Weatherly Sharp (Ed.), Communication research: The challenge of the information age' (pp.3-20). Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Dodd, Stuart

(1952): Testing message diffusion from person to person. In: ' Public Opinion Quarterly', 16 (4), 247-262.

Dodd, Stuart

(1958): Formulas for spreading opinions. In: ' Public Opinion Quarterly', 22 (4), 537-554.

Furner, Mary

(1975): Advocacy and objectivity: A crisis in the professionalization of American social science, 1865-1905. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky.

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(1992): American liberalism and the problem of propaganda: Scholars, lawyers, and the war on words, 1919-1945. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

Gitlin, Todd

(1978): Media sociology: The dominant paradigm. In: ' Theory and Society', 6 (2), 205-253.

Gladner, Timothy Richard

(1990): Education and the mass media: The origins of mass communications research in the United States, 1939-1955. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois.

Hardt, Hanno

(1979): Social theories of the press. Beverly Hills: Sage.

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Schramm, Wilbur

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(6) Dictatuur, repressie en fascisme via taal

(O.a. demagogie, propaganda, indoctrinatie, enz..).


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