Main lines : in
Arc of Essentials
Relations and subdivisions:
Nested structure: Categories of Subjective Experience
[dd. 2024|08|14 - 15h:09m (55s:509ms) v. 1.1 / ]
Dimensions and areas of human subjective experience.
System of mental 'contents'(sensations findings, experiences).
The 'anatomy' of subjective experience.
Relations, order, and nested structure of mental 'contents'.
Time-space coordinates.
Every human experience has a
relative position in the time-space continuum.
External conditions, phenomena, processes, patterns.
Source is:
external empiry . Physical domain, 'matter'.
realia ('signs').
Inter-subjectively accessible,
overt public.
By means of sensory perception
Exteroception extraversion .
Instantaneous, immediate, direct.
Function in the process.
Relations with
referents :
agent ,
patient ,
dative .
Occasional contacts with the subject.
Source is 'outside world' (
inter-subjective ,
exogenous ).
Relatively independent.
Only connected to the subject.
Source is (
direct or
indirect ) 'self', own body.
E.g. external self-perception (external self-reflection).
Relatively remote.
Indirect contact by physical exchange/ communication through spatial medium.
Sensory and
perceptual modality.
Coding medium.
Class of
qualia .
Sight; - seeing, looking.
(V = vis).
Taste - Tasting
(G = gus).
Smell - smelling.
(O = olf).
Relatively close.
Direct contact by physical exchange/ communication with spatial coincidence or overlap.
Exogenous body feeling.
Sensory perception/ feeling of 'external environment'.
Exogenous Kinaesthesia ,
extero-sensibility ).
Direct, synchronous.
Vestibular senses
A. Posture and movement relative to gravity c.q. environment.
(Position, posture, movement, acceleration, rotation).
B. Turning of the head.
(Kv = K-ft). (K [e, v])
Tactile sensations through immediate physical contact,
contiguity ,
Pressure, texture, vibration, temperature, ..
(Mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, chemical, ..).
(Kh = K-hp) (K [e, h])
Sensations of inner state, feelings, processes, functions.
Source is: '
Internal empiry '.
By means of intra-psychic perception;
interoception ,
introspection , 'intuition'.
Mental / (intra-) psychic domain, mind.
Exclusive-subjective experience;
covert , strictly private.
'Internal' self-perception.
Noticing, observing internal mental processes.
Simultaneous ,
symmetrical process (direct).
Concurrency of data content and process.
Interoception ,
Intero-sensorics ,
sensibility .
Internal sensory perception with respect to external and internal data.
Kinaesthesia ,
sensibility .
Perception through body feeling.
There is a range of kinesthetic
submodalities .
(K = kin).
Sensations of the musculoskeletal system.
Motor (
muscular ,
proprioceptic ).
(Movement, walking, talking, ..).
(Km = K-mo).
Movement, posture, action / behavior, expression.
(endogenous& extrovert).
(M = mot).
Internal body feeling.
Sensory perception / feeling from 'internal environment'.
Endogenous kinaesthesia ,
intero-sensibility ).
Direct, synchronous.
Sensations of the activation system.
Energenic feeling.
Level of
alertness degree of activation (
arousal , strength of motivation)
Relaxation/comfort versus action/effort,
preparation versus
participation . ..
(Kn = K-ar).
visceral )
Sense of internal organs, guts(
intestines ).
Breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, ...
Vegetative system; E.g. through X
Nervus vagus .
(Kf = K-fs).
'Affection' (
Pathisch ,
limbic ).
Visceral Vegetative system;
allocortex / Limbic system. (E.g. sadness, anger, fear, ..).
(Kp = K-pa).
Asymmetric process (indirect).
Unevenly course of data content and process.
Associating, 'thinking' ('head').
Remembering, reasoning, expecting, ...
Reactivation (
retraction ,
retrieval ,
reminiscence )of empirical data along a
Content from long-term memory (LTM).
Process with influence from outside.
Source / cause is 'outside world' (
objective ,
public ).
Agent = (Other / Thing);
Patiens = Self.
(E x). (A / D -> Z).
Remembrance of
exogenous experience, observations.
Content from episodicmemory, concerning previous
sensory experience.
The 'image-sound-smell-taste-touch movie' (
occasional /
reflexive ).
Process with influence from within (
reciprocal activity, feedback).
Source / cause is 'inner world' (
subjective ,
private ).
Agent = Self;
Patiens = Self.
(E n). (Z -> Z).
Remembrance of
endogenous experience, feelings.
Content from episodicmemory, concerning previous body feelings.
The 'movie' of bodily feelings and emotions (
occasional /
reflexive ).
Remembrance of
endogenous experience, mental constructions.
Content from semanticmemory, concerning previous mental constructions, experience of
nature (
structural ,
declarative ).
A 'movie' of ideas: abstractions, concepts, stereotypes, enz..
the personal model of the world,
belief system .
- Body image, self-image;
- View on humanity, world, life.
Fantasize, dreams hallucinating, ...
Combinatory thinking, reasoning, calculating ...
Composition according to
logical Syntax .
(Occasionally according to
logical semantics ).
Use of words, language.
(V / A d).
Behavior / signing.
Gestures (
gesticulation ), facial expression (
mimicry ), posture, choice of clothing, jewelry, cosmetics (
make-up ,
tattoos ,
piercings , ..), tools, material creations, etc ..
(V/A[KOG] a).
Momentaneous, manifestsubjective'data'.
bubble of perception ,
ad hoc model, etc.).
Level of intensity of specific processes.
Latent Vs.
manifest .
Level of contact, involvement, identification.
Subjectively experienced 'intrusiveness'; associative 'bond', adhesion of experience content.
Concerning self-perception 'from outside', i.e. perceiving oneself as an outsider at an imaginary distance ('camera position', '
birds-eye view ').
Concerning perception 'from within', i.e. experiencing full personal involvement and identification.
Internal response:
Affective and/or
cognitive in nature.
Reflexive, 'semi-automatic' processes.
'Spontaneous', 'open-minded', frank, naive, ..
Conceived, considerate, calculated, ..
Accessibility for subjective experience.
(Sub)liminal .
Subconscious / pre-conscious
Degree of controllability.
Level of predominance.
Under conscious control.
Deliberate, purposeful, willful, 'premeditated'.
(·) Automatic, reflexively.
PeripheralVegetative And autonomic nervous system.
(·) Pseudo-automatic conditioned responses, routine patterns (habituated ).
Relation between
subject and
object .
Origin of activity,being 'outside World' (
exogenous )versus 'inner world' (
Process with influence from outside.
Source / cause is 'outside world' (
objective ,
public ).
Agent = (Other / Thing);
Patiens = Self.
(E x). (A / D -> Z).
Process with influence from within (
reciprocal activity, feedback).
Source / cause is 'inner world' (
subjective ,
private ).
Agent = Self;
Patiens = Self.
(E n). (Z -> Z).
Semantic type of argument in a
predication .
Place within the causal process of the activity.
Agent (
subject ).
initiator of the process/ activity.
(Sensory, motor, emotional, cognitive).
Patiens (
direct object ).
Whoever or whatever is (meant to be) affected by the activity.
Dative (
indirect object ).
One who or that which is involved in or mediating the activity, is affected only indirectly or sideways, e.g. instrumental, (dis)advantaged, etc..
Associated circumstances, environmental conditions, antecedents, history..
nesting , internal and external '
triggers '.
confounding factors ,
bias ).
Assumptions underlaying a collection of ideas.
Presumptions ,
premisses ,
parameters .
Underlying aim/ goal,
motive .(
drive ,
urge ).
The intended purpose of the process.
Priority .
Specific strategic function(s).
ins and outs , within an operational strategy.
Driven by positive motivation. Eg. for coping, socializing, survival, egodefense, etc..
Modus Operandi .
Ego state ', 'subpersonality'.
(Associated, responsible) 'personality part',mostly an 'unconscious personality part').