The psychic system has the function to create a 'bridging' between the given
state of the organism within its context, and the desired state. The
way this relationship is established is decisive for survival, health and
well-being, and thus indirectly also for reproduction and in a broader
perspective, evolution of the species.
(1) Determine Present State
Reconstruction of the current state
(collection, interpretation, recognition).
This reconstruction takes place based on continuously incoming data.
(2) Determine Previous/Former State
Tracing causes (retro diction
, abduction, causal attribution).
The aim of this sub-process is to recover c.q. 'understand' how the current
situation could have arisen, and find out what circumstances might be
sufficient or necessary to change this situation.
(3) Determine Expected State
Determining the expected state (
prediction, deduction).
Given the current situation or trend it is important to take upcoming events into account.
(4) Determine Desired State
Determining the desired state
c.q. target state; or desired change of course (evaluation, valuationappraisal
The function of this process is to know in which direction must be thought and acted from that point in time.
(5) Determine Plan of Action
Determining appropriate actions
, devising plan of action.
The next step is determining
appropriate actions helping as much as possible to achieve the target state.
(6) Initiating next step/operation
Initiating the next necessary step
according to Action Plan.
The initiating of the next (necessary) action, embedded in the context of time
and location, And mental and motor sub-goals.
(7) Determine Conclusions/Lessons
Conclusions on similarities and differences across time and contexts (generalization, induction).
In every part of the above processes possibilities exist to infer and / or update general rules as guidelines (
induction, generalization).
(8) Modify, expand memory content
Adjustments of memory contents (LTM
acquisition, conditioning, learning / training).
In addition, for each of the above processes the possibility exists of
storage learning experiences into memory. This is done by adding
changes in the short-term model - newly acquired, processed or formed mental
contents - in particular into the episodic and semantic memory-content.